The Virtual Conference will start at 7:00 AM (EST) and
end at 11:00 aM (EST)
Convert to your local time here.

7:00 AM (EST) – 7:15 AM (EST): Welcome / Introduction - Global
Session I
7:15 AM (EST) – 7:45 AM (EST): “Locally appropriate safe disposal systems for MHM facilities in schools of Sri Lanka: From open dumping to incineration” by Nilusha Patabendi from UNICEF and Mr Shanthasiri from NWSBD Sri Lanka
7:45 AM (EST) – 8:15 AM (EST): “Oky Period Tracker App for Girls - Putting girls at the heart of digital solutions for menstrual health and hygiene” by Gerda Binder from UNICEF - Mongolia, Indonesia
8:15 AM (EST) – 8:45 AM (EST): “The Case for Trade Finance in the Pacific: Creating Inclusive MH Markets Using Innovative Finance” by Milena Bacalja Perianes and the Criterion Institute - Pacific Islands
8:45 AM (EST) – 9:00 AM (EST): Discussants panel TBA
Session II
9:00 AM (EST) – 9:30 AM (EST): Panel Discussion, discussants TBA
Session III
9:30 AM (EST) – 10:00 AM (EST): “A new way to measure girls’ menstrual experiences: The Menstrual Practice Needs Scale (MPNS-36)” presented by Julie Hennegan from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - Uganda
10:00 AM (EST) – 10:30 AM (EST): “Girl Talk: Sesame Street’s Foray into Menstrual Hygiene Management” presented by Alyson Moskowitz and the Sesame Workshop - Zimbabwe
10:30 AM (EST) – 10:45 AM (EST): Discussants panel TBA
10:45 AM (EST) – 11:00 AM (EST): Closing Remarks
Photograph credits: © UNICEF/UN0269634/Hajra